St Mary’s Drom
St Laurence O’Toole Inch
Fr. Martin Murphy: 0504 51196 / 0863868877. Drom Sacristy: 0504 31008 / 0876509612
Fr Tom Egan 0868199678
Weekend Mass:
Saturday: Inch7:30pm. Sunday: Drom 10:30am.
Weekday Mass: Drom Church 9:30am
Webcam Site:
1st November 2020
INCH 7:30 pm WE REMEMBER DROM 9:30 am
Mick and Mary Ryan, Barnane | Jimmy and Peggy Kirwan |
Thady Ryan in Inch Monday 2nd 7:30 pm | Mary Troy in Drom Monday 2nd 10:30 am |
Marion McDonagh nee (Kennedy Graigue) died in Scotland Friday 6th at 9:30 am in Drom |

RADIO MARIA IRELAND is an Irish-run Catholic Talk-Radio Station. Established since May 2015 with the aid of the World Family of Radio Maria – with 83 Stations Worldwide. Our modern studio is situated in Ballymount, near the Red Cow Interchange in Dublin. We have recently surpassed 20,000 monthly online streaming listeners in Ireland and around the world and a further estimated 20,000 listeners via Saorview TV. Our mission is to help spread the Gospel message of Joy and Hope with a mixture of Prayer, Catechesis, Uplifting music, Talks, Interviews and Testimonies – all commercial free.
We broadcast 24/7. You might particularly like to join us Monday – Friday from 9.15am with live Morning Prayer followed by daily 10am Holy Mass. 11am Catechesis – with Fr. Eamonn McCarthy (Cloyne Diocese) our full-time Priest Director – Angelus and Midday Prayer. Live Evening Prayer at 5pm is followed by News and the Rosary prayed from the studio at 5.30pm.
You can listen in via Saorview TV Channel 210 (Freeview Northern Ireland – Channel 826); RADIO MARIA IRELAND is available to download FREE by App “RADIO MARIA IRELAND” on mobile devices, FREE streaming on and our Facebook Page – Radio Maria – Ireland by clicking on the “LISTEN” link or on the telephone via a live radio feed by calling +353 (0) 1 437 3277. Like , Love ❤ , Listen 👂, Share ✋ & Pray 👏 with us also on our Facebook Page: ‘Radio Maria – Ireland’ and Social Media.
Our loved ones were always faithful in praying for the dead and, thank God, we continue to follow in their footsteps. We remind ourselves of the words of Judas Maccabaeus from the Book of Maccabees:
“It is a noble and glorious thought to pray for the dead”.
We can gain and indulgence for the dead by the following: From 12 noon on Sunday, all who have confessed, received Holy Communion and prayed for the pope’s intentions can gain a plenary indulgence by visiting a church, and there reciting the Our Father and the Creed. Also by visiting a cemetery and praying for the dead from the 1st to the 8th November and following the conditions above. We are unable now to fulfil the conditions but in time we will and God will grant us our wishes.